Monday, February 11, 2008


Presenting another set of 10 Questions...

This time its all about visuals...

So here it comes:

1. Who is he?

2. Identify the Occasion

3. What is this? (Hint: Think of a not so old movie)

4. Who is this?(Think: Contemporay Hollywood icon)

5. Identify the Legend (Think ELECTRIC)

6 & 7. Identify the two legends

8. Who is this baby (A legendary infamous world leader)

9. The man behind every film makers dream achievement : Identify

10. Ending with an easy one: Who is he? (Think Bollywood recognition)

Send in ur answers by 16th of February at with the sub: Showtime 12

Please send the answers with ur name (Please mention the same name which u mentioned while answering Showtime 11 as I follow the cumulative scoring pattern)

Please check the rules here and the scorecard till now here

Hoping for a good response..till then

Happy Quizzing

1 comment:

Balkrishna Jamdar said...

chanced here by accident, Great Stuff.. Keep it up.