Saturday, September 8, 2007

SHOWTIME 5 Answers

Answers of SHOWTIME 5:

Got a fewer responses than previous quizzes...was it that tough !!!!!


1. Shakespeare (House he lived at----Birthday celebrated as St Georges Day---Last work is The Two Nobel Kinsmen)

2. Jeff Bezos of

3. Deep Blue (The comp. which defeated Kasparov)

4. Hitler (Last one is the English Name of "MEIN KAMPF")

5. Alfred Hitchcock (FAMILY PLOT is his last movie)

6. Ben Johnson

7. Harilal Gandhi

8. The AMUL girl (Records---Longest running ad mascot)

9. Dhanraj Pillay

10. Chinkara (Salman Khan controversy since '99, Guru Jhambeshwar is the founder of the BISHNOI community who worships Chinkara)

Quizzards of the week:

1. Swagata Mukherjee (9)
2. Jaspreet(6)


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